• TOTEM - That's us! We're the membership management platform that allows associations to accept online payments and donations.
  • Association - an organization that is using TOTEM to accept online memberships and donations as well as any parent organizations such as Councils, Districts State associations which receive a portion of the proceeds.
  • Leader - a person who holds an official position with an Association (President, Treasurer, etc).
  • Member - a person who has joined an Association by paying dues.
  • User - a person who has created an account with TOTEM. This User may have signed up multiple Members who may, or may not, have their own User accounts with TOTEM.
  • Manual Member - a person who has paid offline with cash/check . How do I add manual offline members?
  • Associated Member - A person who is part of a family, but not a primary member who wants to purchase a membership. How do I add an associated member to an already offline member?


  • Payments - Member-to-Totem. The total charged to a customer's payment method. It will typically be the total of multiple items like donations or membership dues.
  • Transfers - TOTEM-to-Association. When an association receives a  donation,  or splits membership dues with parent associations, a Transfer is made into an association's TOTEM account.
  • Payouts - Association-to-Bank. When all accrued Transfers are swept into the Association's bank account.